Solid offers a feature called Solid Card Themes which enables you to manage multiple card types and artwork within a single program.
For example, you could have a single product that offers end users the option to choose a white or black card. Alternatively, you could use this feature to offer multiple financial products within a single program, such as Brand X Card and Brand Y Card.
Theme Configuration
Themes are set up by the Solid solutions team in conjunction with clients based on their card product needs. Every card in their program will be assigned a unique theme value with physical and virtual cards treated as independent products. Every card theme will require individual artwork.
Once all card themes are set up by the Solid Solutions team the client will be informed of the possible theme values.
Example of Theme Configurations:
Theme 1:
Name: Magic Rides Black Card
Account Type: business
Card Type: physical
BIN: debit
Theme: magicRidesBlackCard
Theme 2:
Name: Magic Rides White Card
Account Type: business
Card Type: physical
BIN: debit
Theme: magicRidesWhiteCard
To create a new card with a theme
API: POST /v1/card
Request body should contain theme
Sample theme in Request Body:
"cardType": "physical",
"bin": "debit",
"theme": "magicRidesBlackCard",
Sample Response with sample theme
"id": "crd-f94d688d-dafa-431e-89a1-769d95e81354",
"accountId": "acc-d9ab5c90-408b-4755-837c-309bba0a0297", "
businessId": "bus-4c6731c2-b7a5-4f9a-a298-bf46cf044000",
"cardType": "physical",
"bin": "debit",
"theme": "magicRidesBlackCard",
In this case, Magic Rides Black Card gets shipped. If you'd like to ship the Magic Rides White Card, then in the POST v1/card API, request "theme": "magicRidesBlackCard".