Adding team members

Unless you are a team of one, you'll probably want to add some other team members to your Solid Dashboard. Here's how to do it:

1. Log into your Solid Dashboard and open the Settings tab.

2. Click on the Team tab.

Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 2.00.05 PM.png

3. Click the Invite team member button.

Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 2.00.54 PM.png

4. Enter the Name, Email, and appropriate Environments for the team member.

5. Select the Role for the new team member. Below you will see the permissions associated with each role. 


6. Click Next to Send the invite. 

Note: You can find pending invitations under the Pending tab. From there you can Edit, Delete, or Resend the invite.


From this Team screen, you can also edit member roles and see when they were last active on the dashboard.

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